About Me
I believe that you truely learn when something when you can connect with the subject and apply it to everyday life. Learning the subject instead of learning how to pass a class has always been my key to success. This is important because the foundation that you learn early on will assist you throughout education. If you just learn how to get an “A” then most likely you will forget the principles that you need for higher learning.
I have an Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics from St. Augustine’s University, which had a mathematics program rank in the nation at the time. I graduated at the top of my class with a 3.78 GPA. I then went to A&T State University where I earned my Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering. I did my research in the field of structural health monitoring.
I tutored for 3.5 years of my undergraduate studies and I was a teacher assistant for 3.5 years as a graduate student. I also taught 4 semesters at an alternative high school in an after school program.
I played 4 years of college football so I tend to join flag football leagues when I can. I am working on developing my Spanish as a second language. Other than that I spend the rest of my time with my family and doing music.