Special Education Tutors Available
SchoolTutoring Academy offers Special-Education tutoring across all cities in the U.S. and Canada. Please call us at 1-877-545-7737 (PREP) to schedule tutoring with any of our available tutors.
Tutoring Options: All Subjects >> Special Education


University of Prince Edward Island – Psychology
“Everyone is different so we all learn at different pace, but we all learn.”

University of Wisconsin – Superior – Masters in Learning Disabilities
“My goal as a Special Education and Research Professor is to question stereotypes and break through societal barriers for people with disabilities that keep them in circumstances that prevent them from learning and growing.”

University of Toronto – Philosophy
“I believe that the atmosphere most conducive to learning is one that is open and friendly enough for students to feel comfortable asking questions.”

California State University – Secondary Education
“It is an educator’s purpose to embrace the uniqueness of each student and to apply appropriate instruction based upon a student’s individual development, strengths, weaknesses, aspirations, and needs.”

Southern Illinois University – Elementary Education
“Everyone is capable of learning and being successful.”

University of Saskatchewan – Psychology
“All students, no matter their background, have the right to be educated by teachers who care.”

Colorado Christian University – Elementary Education
“Teaching children is about helping a student discover their path to becoming a learner.”
The University of Texas, El Paso – Religion
“Encouraging higher-level thinking skills and independence are of utmost importance in my instruction, as I aim to develop leaders who lead by example and through critical thinking.”

University of Florida – Neurobiological Science
“Every student deserves equal treatment; some may be more forthcoming, these are easy to teach; it’s the students who desire success but may be more introverted or not know even where to start on success in your course that require more effort and may ultimately show the most gains from your class.”

University of Waterloo – Mathematics
“I like to show students the easiest way to understand things and relate things together for memorizing more deeply and easily. give interesting and classic examples for students to enjoy studing
offer useful study skills”
offer useful study skills”

Wilfrid Laurier University – English, History
“I believe that each and every student deserves quality education that fit their learning style, while still challenging them to push their comfort zone and learn new things.”

Trent University – History
“I believe that all children have the desire and ability to learn.”

University of Lancaster, Athens State University – English, Special Education
“I believe that my job as a teacher is to enable my students by teaching them in a way that matches individual learning styles, ensures that students are mastering the material and promotes independent thought.”