SchoolTutoring | Winter 2018 Scholarship Submissions

SchoolTutoring | Winter 2018 Scholarship Submissions

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Future Education  

By Courtland Andrew Helton

To live in the modern world and be successful, one must have more education than the average citizen. But how will education look in the future due to advances in technology? No person can predict what the future of education will offer to society. Until one-hundred years passes, we have to wait and guess.

The education system now plays a big role in what a person will do when they are an adult. Having a job usually requires you to have at least a high school diploma. Other jobs require degrees in a certain study pertaining to the job that the applicant is applying for. Take being a doctor for example, the student must undergo endless hours of schooling adding up to so many years to gain the sought after knowledge that they need to become a doctor. In the future technological advances could make that schooling go by faster and possibly make learning easier so that the student can achieve their goal of becoming what they want to be. In Dubai, classrooms are already becoming more student-friendly by supplying computers to each individual student to make learning more of a one-to-one concept therefore making the student excel at his or her own rate. This will make the student understand the knowledge that is being given to them a lot easier. On the other hand, education the way we have it today might become obsolete in one-hundred years from now. The only knowledge we might need is basic reading and writing and a specific trade or interest after elementary school. Secondary schooling might vanish from our society.

In the end, we will have to wait patiently and see just what the future of education will bring forth and what advances in society due to the upcoming generation. Although the current generation will not experience it fully, it sure is a wondrous idea to ponder on.


Classrooms No More

By Maddie

In the future with the technological advances happening, I believe that there will be no more physical schooling. There is a possibility children will still go to a physical school, but there will be no physical teaching. Everything will be taught by technology, based on how well a student learns determined by a test to see if they are a visual, audio, or physical learner. Based on those test results, their learning will be tailored to the individual student for each necessary subject. For example, if student A is a visual learner and student B is an audio learner, both students will be taught the same material but in different formats versus a single teacher trying to combine all different kinds of learning into one or only focusing on one type. Student A in this example would have more pictures and diagrams where as student B would have more of an audio book type aid to help them along in the subject. If the student is a physical learner, that student will have an animation to guide them throughout the course. Teachers would now fill more of a tutor role than a teacher role for the sole reason the students will have an electronic version of a classroom to their immediate disposal, if there is a physical classroom still around in 100 years. If there is not a physical classroom, teachers will still fill a tutor role in the form of Skype or facetime and students will then learn from home as if they were present day homeschoolers. Children will complete their school day on their own whether it be at home, at a daycare, or anywhere else they may be during the day. In conclusion, schooling will be electronically taught instead of taught by a teacher with a variety of nontraditional schooling techniques such as; types of learning, times in which it must be done, and the area in which the learning is done.


Technology in the Classroom

By Alexandra Garner

Right now, teachers and administrative teams are dealing with a balancing act of maintaining student improvement and technological savviness. Technology can serve as a wonderful tool in the classroom, allowing for more interaction between students and the teacher. But, it can also pose a distraction for students if they use it to play games, message each other, and get off task. When I was in middle school I was given an iPad and in high school I was given a Chromebook to use for schoolwork. Despite my high school administrators’ desire for the Chromebooks to be used for productivity, students often used them to play online games, browse social media and watch Netflix. In order to limit distractions and misuse of the Chromebooks, sites like Netflix were blocked. My high school also went as far as to control our cell phone usage at school by slowing down the Wifi when trying to go on Instagram or Snapchat, deterring students from going on their phones, having to use their cellular data. With regards to the teachers, some utilized and incorporated these new tools into their classrooms, such as in group projects or answering math problems. Others did not, instead choosing a more traditional classroom style of paper and pencil note-taking and in-person group discussions. Although I am unsure of what even the next 10 years hold for classrooms and teaching with the acceleration of technological advancements, I believe classrooms in the next 100 years will resemble similar layouts to the ones I experienced in middle school and high school, using both new technology and traditional ways of teaching. While there may be a push for more technology in the classroom, there have been proven benefits of not using it, such as writing out notes by hand, rather than typing them out. In addition, I feel that a significant amount of students around me preferred the traditional classroom style to the use of iPads and Chromebooks because they experienced Wifi delays or simply didn’t like using them. Although there are depictions and beliefs of our future world being completely dependent on technology, I believe we will continue to hold and recognize the importance of limiting technology in all aspects of our lives, especially the learning environment.


How I envision classrooms in 100 years under the influence of technology

By Hunter Hebert

When it comes to the school system of today, I am sure we can all agree we would all change something. Whether or not that change would make anything better, is a matter of opinion. There is no doubt however, that within the next hundred years, we will see dramatic changes within the classroom through way of technology. To assume that the classroom would stay the same forever is foolish and would hinder the developmental stages of students drastically.

When it comes to what I can see being part of the classroom, I can see machine-grading becoming much more prevalent, as well as computers in general becoming a much bigger part of the school system. As it stands Virtual Reality is considerably young and unrefined, but perhaps as it becomes more effective, we may start seeing it applied to schools and studies so that students may be able to see the areas and subjects they are learning about in greater detail. When looking at how teacher’s may change their roles, I can see them becoming more along the lines of counselors, helping students when needed and letting the computer do most of the teaching. I can also see the potential for technology to evolve accommodations for those with issues learning for whatever reason, such as blindness or deafness.

Overall, one hundred years will change quite a lot about how the classroom functions. Hopefully, this will result in the education system of today becoming far more improved. As technology increases in its usefulness, we will begin to see it applied more and more to each facet of the school system. We can only hope in the end that, with all the advancements we are working toward, we will be able to build a brighter and smarter future for our children and their children to grow up in.


The Future of Schools

By Kendyl Boyd

Everyday technology is evolving. When you look back in history it is amazing to see how technology has improved over time. The way people lived was so different and over time technology only made things easier and more efficient. One of the first formal school setting began in Mesopotamia around 3500 B.C., of course the technology that we know today did not exist, but their form of technology still had the same effect. As times changed, scientists began to study how the brain works and how people learn. Once it was discovered that people learn in many ways it was implemented into classrooms. Now teachers are trained to be able to able to teach different types of students in a classroom by conducting different learning activities and the use of technology better this process.

In a 100 years I can see technology being drastically different in the classroom. There is already talk about how robots may take of over the occupations of humans in the future. It is very possible that they could take the place of teachers in the classrooms, along side advanced screens that would allow students to see beyond. I worry that if this were to happen there would be a difference in the social connect among students as well as teachers. School it was quite a coming of age experience where you learn, meet friends, and create bonds with teachers. A robot in charge of a class room can reduce those relationships and students may grow up socially inept. Therefore I envision that robots only be used as accessories for learning.

Also I imagine that in 100 years technology would allow schools to be much safer. Not even half way into the year of 2019 there have about 15 school shootings. A school should be a safe place to learn where students should not have to fear for their life. I envision that classrooms would be guarded with secure technology that monitors who comes in and out of the classroom as well as the school. Facial recognition is already used in Iphones and to access confidential information, it may seem over the top now, but facial recognition could ensure that any uninvited outsider is denied access. This is only one way I imagine schools to be safer but there are always more efficient ways it can be done in the future.


Future Classrooms of America

By Tabitha Parrish

When thinking about what the classroom environment will be like in one hundred years from now, I ponder on all the advanced technology that we have now today that already helps us. Already we have internet that gives us access to information on anything that you could possibly think of, cameras that can record at the speed of light, and smartphones that can practically double as small computers. In the future I believe everything will just become more advanced than is already is, it will be easily accessible to college student and faculty, and it will be everywhere throughout classrooms and campuses.

The technical world has been affecting many places in the world, especially within classrooms. Today, classrooms have advanced far greater compared to 10 years. What started off as a chalkboard is now transitioned into a smart board. Lessons are no longer being displayed through a projector with a transparent lesson sheet, rather than a simple projector that displays information from a computer. Classrooms will advance as well as the communities around them. Today, students are seen studying through a computer, much slimmer than the ones from a couple years ago. Eventually, it will lead to higher technological devices such as virtualized lesson plans. Instead of displaying a lesson on the screen, it could be that lessons will be shown in 3-D through a projector in the middle of the class. Most of the information will be stored in an online database that can be accessed any time. Classroom labs for experimentation are also bound to change. The use of microscopes and other machines will advance in order to make more discoveries of the unknown. Lesson plans will change due to what is being learned and the pace on which they are being born. Slowly but surely technology is going to continue to change and surprise us.

Even though it is impossible to know for certain what the future holds for classrooms, what is for certain is the human need and desire to grow and expand. Technology is arguably the most influential thing in this world and right now. There are people all over the world making sure that the future for classrooms is brighter than ever.


High Hopes for 2119

By Olivia DePina

I do not feel like I could truly imagine what technology would become in 100 years. It evolves so fast that anything could happen, even in the next 20 years. While I may not know the exacts, I have a few hopes for the classroom. My first hope, unrelated to the advancement of technology, but just as important -if not more so- is the hope that schooling becomes more affordable and viable for everyone. Too many times do I hear about one of my classmates that can’t attend university because they don’t have the funds. Even if they can attend with scholarships and loans, they still have years of debt to pay off. The issue of funding impacts technology as well. Many schools still have outdated equipment that makes teaching less effective or not as interesting. That is my second hope; every single school will have an equal opportunity with the same equipment and technology.

I believe that 100 years from now the influence of technology will make it so a teacher can bring a true physical experience into a classroom. Think of it like what we have right now with virtual reality, but on a near realistic scale, made with holograms slimmer virtual reality headsets. A teacher could able to pull up a hologram of a tiger in their biology class. Students would be able to see the true size of such a creature in person -even feel the fur. I hope that teachers can present situations that students would not normally get to see unless it’s in a video: too expensive, dangerous, or outrageous for a single teacher to show their class in person. I want to see chemistry teachers show off hard to obtain chemicals with holograms that cost next to nothing but give the same experience. I want kids to be able to make a mistake in the classroom and not risk their life for it, but still learn from their mistake.

I want teachers 100 years from now to be able to teach like Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus. I want to see teachers able to take their students on journeys, show them real sights instead of just pictures in a textbook or videos online, or even the extremely rare field trip. I hope that 100 years from now, students can learn and experience more in school than we could have ever imagined.


Education in the Age of Technology

By Angelina Leanos

With the influence of technology in 100 years, classrooms will be completely free of all disposable materials; there will neither be textbooks nor notebooks because everything will be digital. This will greatly impact the provisions of the classrooms because then there will be no need for markers, pens, pencils, staplers, highlighters, hole punchers, etc. In fact, there won’t even be any white boards because lessons will be presented as videos or as projections on a TV. The fact that everything will now be digital is especially beneficial to teachers because they will save a lot of money that would otherwise be used to restock class materials. The one concern for this is that some teachers-even in such a digital age-may still struggle to manage the technology they must work with. To address this, schools will often hold trainings for teachers on how to deal with the latest technology. Mathematics will have been the hardest subject to adapt digitally but students now know how to create algorithms and codes to do their math. For English, students will have learned to type as children, as well as how to use certain online applications/tools that will be frequently used for school. Even tests will be digital but there will be some sort of camera or similar device to encourage students not to cheat. Of course, cheating on assignments can also be made easier with internet access but all devices will have an algorithm to prevent and catch plagiarism, perhaps even blocking access to external sources when students are doing timed-writes or quizes. Even when they’re sick, students can participate in the classroom and engage in discussions via video chat. If a field trip can not be made for whatever reason, students can still experience it in class through virtual reality. All homework and class assignments can be found, done, and submitted online and textbook material can be accessed as downloads or PDFs.


Immersive Experience

By Huy Nguyen

Technology has grown from primitive wood and stone tools to steamboats and aeroplanes. The uniqueness of technology is that new inventions and innovations are rapidly being produced each year. Within one hundred years, penicillin was discovered by Fleming which sparked the beginning of antibacterial drugs and new ways to treat diseases to DNA sequencing and the modification of the human genome. Television was introduced into the household which turned into virtual reality headsets. Virtual reality or more simply known as VR is a way of sending a picture or film into a headset which can display a picture in 360 degrees of motion. It is a way of actually being in the location and seeing it from a first-person perspective. In geography, instead of teaching about the rainforest habitat, have the students experience what it is like to be inside the rainforest in a safe environment. Alternatively, show the breathtaking views of the Earth from the top of Mount Everest. This technology can take learning to new heights, literally. As more innovations are made, there may come a time where the VR may become a room where the walls change into the environment they are in. Another possibility is to be able to have objects to interact with that may look exactly like their virtual counterparts. The possibilities are endless. VR like many other technologies have become more integrated with the day to day life of a person. Laptops and computers were simple pieces of wiring put together decades ago but now they have evolved into things such as quantum computers. Just like how the Internet did not exist within one hundred years, there may be other technologies that are invented within the next century. There is no way of knowing where the future may lead but in depth learning through virtual reality may be a reality.


Technology improving our classrooms

By Anissah Surita

Technology today is used in our daily lives and is constantly progressing. Technology is used in homes, the work field, and schools. Our generation has personally seen the differences that have been made especially in classrooms. In one hundred years I believe there will not only be more advancement within technology in the classrooms, but there will be more popularity of technology being used in classrooms. Technology advancement could be beneficial to students,teachers, and the environment. Advancement in technology could change the way that teachers grade papers. I believe that we are now seeing the start of many assignments being turned in online rather than everyone having a sheet of paper (or more) to turn in. With this some teachers would not like the fact that when a paper is turned in the teacher can write and grade how they please. With new apps and systems teachers can grade easily with comments and concerns. For both teachers and students people have already experienced the tool of group discussions with the teacher and rest of the class. This is beneficial if a student is home and confused on an assignment or if they have missed a class. I believe tools of easier of communication and grading like this are also leading to more online learning within one hundred years. There are many classes such as math or speech that you would only imagine taking in person that are available online. With technology constantly advancing this will also be an option that will be easier for adults to take that may have children or other jobs. The use of technology involving online homework and other assignments would also be beneficial to the environment by saving much more paper than we did in the past and even now. I also believe that there will be much more computer ownership within schools. With new advancements computers will become more common and older computers could also become more affordable, but still offer great advancements in the classroom. Technology can be seen as a bad thing that is overtaking our society, but a classroom is somewhere it can be completely beneficial to students, teachers and the environment what looking at the positive effects there can be in one hundred years.


The Future of Technology in Classrooms

By Nabaa Al Hashimi

We, as a society, revolve around technology. Almost every citizen has a personal device in their hands to connect them with the other side of the world, to educate, and to entertain them. The ability of technological personalized devices allows for transportation of ideas and knowledge that can transform a person completely. This global phenomenon and newfound power of technology has spread to classrooms. Nowadays, you can see children in schools also have their own personal devices, such as a laptop or IPad. However, the future is not about one single device. IPads, iPhones, and laptops are the here and now. The future of technology in classrooms is about accessibility and innovation.

The future of technology in schools and classrooms will allow for unlimited access, with anywhere learning and collaboration. Teaching and learning will be social, this will include various online classes. In the future, technology will be the bridge between learning and teaching. The technology will be the classroom, teachers will be able to teach from anywhere, and students will be able to learn anywhere. Technology will enable students to be independent learners, with full ownership of their knowledge and how they acquire their knowledge.

Personally, in my ideal future classroom, all classrooms will be paperless with robots as helpers. In the future, all knowledge will be created and saved online and will be accessible to all students. Assignments will completely be turned in and graded online. There will also be personal robots physically in the classroom for students and teachers, as well as digitally. For students, the robots will help with assignments, and for teachers, they will be assisting with grading as well as assisting in the classroom.

The future of technology within the classroom will be inclusive to all students and will be innovative to give students options to best learn the material with personalized help to achieve their desired grades. The future of technology will also be beneficial to teachers to plan better for all their students and to get grading and teaching done efficiently for all the different types of learners.


Grandma Gets Schooled

By Susanna Talley

The year is 2119. I am 119 years old, thanks to cutting-edge medical technology. Following my afternoon jog, I decide to take my flying car to pick up my great-grandchildren from school. I arrive a bit early at the middle school, so I allow the robot valet to park my car for me. Utilizing the fingerprint sensor, the gate opens and I am greeted by x-ray metal detectors. “Man”, I think to myself. “This is different than middle school school back in 2013–at least I know the kids are safe now!”. Once I have successfully passed through the x-ray machine, I stop one of the robots hovering around campus. “Which way to the science building?”, I ask him. Without missing a beat, the robot points me to the biggest building on campus. The outside is adorned with the technology of yesterday: touchscreen cell phones, plug-in cars, and pitifully large earbuds. It is funny now to think how modern and must-have those items used to be. Stepping inside, I am greeted by three long conveyor belts, which move slowly upstairs and through hallways. These days, kids do not even have time to walk for themselves! I ride the conveyor belt to the engineering classroom, where my great-grandson sits. Each child in the classroom sits in front of a 3D computer, with images protruding from the translucent screen. It appears they are following a tutorial on how to program personal robots. I remember the days when teachers stood in front of classrooms, and students used papers and pencils to write answers. My great-grandson looks busy, so I hop back on the belt and travel to the animal science classroom, where my great-granddaughter spends her time. Peering inside the classroom, I notice her concentrated gaze. She is watching two of her classmates clone a small puppy. I recall her telling me about the technology that allows them to cross chromosomes and replicate genetic codes, without risking health complications for either animal. Waiting until the new puppy is alive and well, I step into the classroom. “You ready to get going?”, I ask Xena. “Of course, Z-ma!”. She runs over to me, and I give her a big hug. No technology can replace the comfort of a grandmother’s arms, and I feel confident that none ever will.


Tech World

By Josephine Asonganyi Ewalu

Granted that technology has changed throughout the years, it seems to be developing and impacting every aspect of life today. In recent years, however, technology has profoundly changed education and allowed colleges to expand on online classes, Libraries,and other school related activities. During medieval times, books were rare and only the wealthy could afford access to educational opportunities. Today, vast amounts of information (books, audio, images, videos) have been easily made available through the Internet. Many traditional online degree programs are currently already being offered via the internet. Technology in a hundred years would eliminate the use of many basic human skills. The ability to think and properly communicate will diminish, family dynamics may also be impacted by the changes and advancement in technology.

The professional roles of teachers and learners will change because the teacher is no longer the primary source of information. The student will have increased responsibility for their own learning using technology to gather relevant information. Schools and universities across the country will redesign learning spaces to allow this new type of educational system. Using computers and studying at home will build confidence and foster more interaction in group projects and class discussions. All classrooms will be filled with computers and most degree programs will be offered online/virtually. There will be no need for writing boards, pens/pencils or papers. All texts books will be delivered virtually using codes and online library. Teachers will teach students who chose the class option virtually ( the teacher might be in Hawaii and remotely teaching Florida students). Also the campus environment will change due to new machines, children K-12 will no longer participate in school activities because technology is available throughout the school for personal use. Schools will build robots to deliver lunch and orders. Computers will perform customer service jobs at the school bookstores while advisers and counselors will remain humans.

Though technology influences our current state of being, It is yet to completely take over our education structure; the case will be different in a hundred years due to advancement in technology. One should prepare for these changes by continuously learning about new programs and taking some courses online to familiarize yourself with online classrooms.


Think Tank Classroom

By Christopher Calvin

Technology has currently played a primary role in reforming regular classrooms from traditional method to gadget-based teaching. In response to answering the needs of today’s new generation. The well-known “millenials”, and “generation Z”, have been familiar with cyberspace, and take advantage of software along with smartphones (Conefrey, 2016). Just as today’s student population has grown greater and more various from wide racial backgrounds, some may face various learning challenges. There are also changes in expectations of students’ ability (Conefrey, 2016).

Theresa Conefrey is a lecturer in the English Department at Santa Clara University who coordinates on Applied Technical Writing courses and focuses on aligning educational technology and pedagogy altogether, believes newer technologies can open up innovative classrooms.

Social media has facilitated educational technology apart from social trend. A study titled Social Media in the College Classroom reported that most of varsity professors are noticing the influence of social media in reforming the way of teaching as practical and educational strategies in certain subjects (Richardson, 2015). Social media-integrated curricula include joint discussions while solving problems together by participating in course site or blog that can encourage a remotely engaging classroom. Thus, implying social trend to learning may advance learning interactions.

Flipped classroom has reversed traditional classroom. Marmara University has required its classrooms to create a group for pre- and post- class materials along with quiz and vodcast, so that discussions are the only case in classroom (Kurt, 2017). Implying that cloud-based learnings have allowed more rooms for case scenario practices. Likewise, providing personal online tutoring for comprehensive understanding. Therefore, technology leads to think-tank environment with multiple individual perceptions.

Overall, Technologies may partially answer challenges for new approaches over upcoming generations, but the key may lie in long-term adjustments that enable more sophisticated learning paces and phases from shared notes to online network as well as top-down communications to broad solution-discussion diversities. I believe that futuristic classrooms accompanied by social media and flipped system will be virtually possible in breaching time and space limitations.

Works Cited

Conefrey, T. “Technology in the College Classroom: Crisis and Opportunity.” Educational Technology 56.4 (2016): 37-40. 06 May 2019.

Kurt, G. “Implementing the Flipped Classroom in Teacher Education:: Evidence from Turkey.” Journal of Educational Technology & Society 20.1 (2017): 211-221. 06 May 2019.

Richardson, M. “Social Media in the College Classroom.” International Dialogues on Education: Past and Present 2.2 (2015): 209-224. 06 May 2019.


To Education and Beyond

By Mustafa Cevik

Technology has changed the way students interact and learn in and out of the classroom. There is an increasing amount of schools adapting technology into their curriculum and using online resources to teach. These advancements have enabled both, children performing at grade-level and those needing extra help through smartboards, digital books, interactive apps, etc. As technology continues to advance, it will inevitably be reflected in the classroom as it does today. In a hundred years, I envision schools rich with interactive technology and virtual/online classrooms.

One of the interactive/virtual technology tools I envision are ‘smart-desks’. Within these smart desks, there are voice-to-word recordings that transcribe information teachers share with students. These ‘smart-desks’ will allow children to focus more on content than having to vigorously take notes. An additional feature of ‘smart-desks’ would be text and audio dictionaries to help students learn not only the definition of new words, but how to pronounce them as well. An advantage to the ‘smart-desks’ would be a participation feature that allows children that are too afraid to raise their hands and participate (i.e., those who are too timid, have a speech challenge that limits their desire to speak out loud, etc.) to have the opportunity to have their ideas, opinions, and insights shared with the class.

Virtual classrooms are also an advancement in classroom technology I envision for the next hundred years. These virtual classrooms will allow children that are absent from school for a couple of days, or extended amounts of time, to be virtually present in their classrooms. With this technology, they can be active learners that not only receive the information needed but participate in classroom discussions as well. The virtual classrooms will be implemented in schools across the country and around the world. With the virtual classrooms are virtual settings where teachers can bring students to mock settings like those spoken of in class (i.e., history, geography, language arts etc.) to further immerse the students in the content.

In the next hundred years, there will be inevitable advancements to the way we utilize technology. Whether it be through ‘smart-desks’ or virtual classrooms, with high hopes, I envision classrooms that enable students of all backgrounds, academic level, personalities, and abilities to utilize the best tools to foster learning and success.


Information Technology Discussion Essay

By Destney Johnson

There is no doubt that social interaction plays a big role in every human’s life. It doesn’t matter whether they are more social online or in person how social you are or how social you aren’t plays a big role in how your personality develops and how you react to different things. In fact, people can actually be considered to be a part of social networks even when they are not online. Back then, people had roles in the social network in their society. However, things have definitely changed now and social media has a strong control on how information is developed, how people think, feel, speak and how they act.

This unit in my Composition Rhetoric Class we are learning about argumentative writing. We have been challenged to write an argumentative paper on our point of view of social media and the positive and negative effects of social networking on society. I have done some research and in the result of it, I have found out that in my point of view I feel that the old school social media has definitely been taken over as a result of the social media networks that are out now.Social media and not meet someone in person like the old school social media.

After all, would you rather have friendly smiles and healthy relationships like back then in the old school, or would you rather an unhealthy selfish online social life? Many people would definitely pick the healthy lifestyle over the unhealthy one. In my second source, “Old school” meets “new school” the journal focuses on “Using books and tablets to improve information literacy and promote integrative learning among business students”. When I read about this I felt like this could be a very good way to improve the technology and social media sites nowadays. I do feel social media plays a huge role in how people behave and how people think as well.


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